"Surge Towers, Tanks, Miscellaneous"
Water Tower
s and Standpipes
Surge towers : Usually part of hydro-electric generating stations or water treatment plants. Energy, when released in a confined space, such as a water distribution system, creates shock waves when hydrants, valves, or pumps are opened and closed quickly, trapping the kinetic energy of moving water within the confined space of a piping system. These shock waves can create a turbulence that travels at the speed of sound, seeking a point of release. The release the surge usually finds is an elevated tank or surge tower.
Tanks: Above ground storage tanks. The diameter is greater than it's height. Usual construction: Riveted or welded steel, prestressed concrete.
Miscellaneous: Water supply related subjects.
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Canadian Water Towers and Standpipes
Surge Towers
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Click on the appropriate thumbnail to access tower information .
Hamilton, ON Musquash, NB Niagara Falls, ON Norris Arm, NL St. Margaret's Bay, NS St. Catharines, ON
Petty Harbour, NL Banff Park, AB Grand Falls, NB Uranium City, SK Winnipeg
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Canadian Water Towers and Standpipes
Storage Tanks
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Click on the appropriate thumbnail to access tower information .
Bonavista, NL Hamilton, ON Port Stanley, ON St. Andrews - NB
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Canadian Water Towers and Standpipes
Miscellaneous water related
- B - M -
Click on the appropriate thumbnail to access tower information .
Burlington 1 Burlington 2 Marystown, NL
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Index: Surge Towers, Tanks, Miscellaneous. Canadian Water Towers and Standpipes.
* Communities with more than one Tower or Storage Tank
Surge Towers
Banff Park, AB
Grand Falls, NB
Hamilton, ON
Musquash, NB
Niagara Falls, ON
Norris Arm, NL
Petty Harbour, NL
St. Catharines, ON
St. Margaret's Bay, NS
Uranium City, SK
Water Storage Tanks
Bonavista, NL
Hamilton, ON
Port Stanley, ON
St. Andrews - NB
Burlington, ON
Burlington, ON
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