Window well covers are available in many sizes and shapes or can be custom made to fit any window well made of moulded plastic, poured concrete, corrugated steel or landscape timbers.
There are many reasons for installing a window well cover. The reasons range from being
- artistically appealing
- safety/security
- preventing basement leaks
- other benefits such as providing daylight, Improved heat retention and basement insulation
Window wells without a cover need regular maintenance. It doesn't take long before blown in debris, leaves and children's toys clutter the window well. Without proper cleaning all this organic material will clog up the gravel inside the well and provides a fertile ground for weeds. During my many years as a building inspector I have seen weeds two feet and taller, growing in window wells, no kidding.
Window wells in people traffic areas such as patios, walkways, backyards and play areas for small children should have a window well cover. The covers also will prevent pets and small wildlife (including frogs, mice, and baby rabbits) from falling in the window well.
Window well covers that can be locked from the inside provide extra security. However, the locking device should be of the kind that does not require a key, tools or special knowledge to remove the window well cover from the inside in case of an emergency. A person trying to get out during an emergency may panic and fail to unlock the cover. In my opinion there should not be a lock on egress window well covers at all so emergency personnel can enter the basement or lower level faster. For more information go to
Egress Window Wells and Egress Windows.
Poured concrete egress window well. Casement egress window.
Custom made window well cover
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