The Canadian Directory of Water Towers and Standpipes is sponsored by "Understanding Your Home"

Standpipe Information

Location: Stanley Avenue
Signage: Deseronto

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Deseronto - Ontario
Hastings County. Photo © Mark Visser

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Other sites you may be interested in:
Thumbnail Collection of USA Water Towers
USA Water Towers and Standpipes
Magnetic Hills: CA, USA, Worldwide

The History of the Christian Fish Symbol

Area Information
Deseronto’s history can be traced back to the period just after the American War of Independence when the British Government obtained grants of lands on the north side of Lake Ontario from the Mississauga people. These lands were then granted to Loyalists who had fought for the British and had been compelled to leave their homes in America.
- A large tract of land on the Bay of Quinte was awarded to a group of twenty Mohawk families led by Captain John Deserontyon
- In 1881 the village was renamed Deseronto in honour of Captain John Deserontyon. Deseronto was incorporated as a Town in 1889. Town of Deseronto

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