The Canadian Directory of Water Towers and Standpipes is sponsored by "Understanding Your Home"

Tower Information
( )
Location: 1 km north of the 60th Parellel (Alberta border)
Built: 1958 by Steel Horton
Height: 40.23 metwers
Capacity: 378,541 liters
Water source: Slave River

Fort Smith - Northwest Territories
Photo © Town of Fort Smith

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Other sites you may be interested in:
Thumbnail Collection of USA Water Towers
USA Water Towers and Standpipes
Magnetic Hills: CA, USA, Worldwide

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More tower information
The tower was tatally refurbished in 2001. The tower is insulated with bacolite which provides approximately 4-6 R value thus water must be circulated on a regular basis when the temperature drops below -20 Celcius.
Area information
The Hudson Bay Company built a settlement, which would eventually become Fort Smith, at the foot of the rapids once the single, 16-mile portage was completed. The settlement was named for Donald Alexander Smith, Lord Strathcona, the resident governor of the Hudson Bay Company and an original member of the North West Council. Town of Fort Smith

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