Water Towers and Standpipes of the United States of America. Sponsored by "Understanding Your Home" by building inspector Mark Visser

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Delta - Utah
Millard County. Photo © Mark Visser

Area Information
Delta is a city in Millard County. Delta was originally a railroad switch called Aiken. History: In 1905 Aiken was renamed Melville when Millard County began plans to set up irrigation and a dam.
People were given free land to move to the new town as long as they agreed to develop a 40-acre lot. The name was change again because of the similarities between Melville and Millville, another town in Utah. The name was changed on May 12, 1908 to Burtner. The name was finally changed to Delta on May 11, 1911. The name is quite fitting as the area was a delta of Lake Bonneville.

Topaz Relocation Camp: During World War II, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, tens of thousands of Japanese-Americans were gathered up and placed in ten incarceration camps with the intention of protecting military installations from espionage. One of these camps, then titled Central Utah Relocation Center, was located near Delta and filled with former residents of the San Francisco Bay Area.
The Topaz Museum, located in Delta, works to preserve important sites at the relocation center, and to provide information on the history of the camps.

A great attraction of Millard County's economy is the digging of fossils. Trilobite fossils are relatively common in the region west of Delta (part of the House Range's Wheeler Shale). A number of local companies maintain fossil dig areas where they allow visitors to dig their own fossils for a small fee.
NOTE: In 2017 I visited U-Dig Fossils and found some very nice trilobites!!!Resources: Wikipedia

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Thumbnail Collection of USA Water Towers
Canadian Water Towers and Standpipes
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