Tower Information
Tower signage: Riceboro GA
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Riceboro - Georgia
Liberty County. Photo © Mark Visser |
Area Information
Riceboro is a city in Liberty County.
The community was named for the early rice industry in the area. When people hear the name Riceboro, they often wonder why it is called just that. Some say, it was a town or city in which “Rice” was grown.
There were several well known plantations in the Riceboro area; one in particular which still exists, is called, “The Lecounte Woodmanston Plantation.
The Riceboro Rice Festival is an annual celebration held the first and second weekends of November each year honoring rice farming, which was a major economic activity in the coastal region of Liberty County in the City of Riceboro, Georgia.
A well known person from Riseboro is DeLisha Milton-Jones, WNBA player and Olympic gold medalist, head coach at Pepperdine University
Resources: Wikipedia, City of Riceboro
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