Near White's Hill, just South of Rennick Road, on County Truck U, South of Shullsburg, in LaFayette County. |
Approximately two miles out of town, Highway U plunges down a steep hill, across a low area, and curves back up a steeper hill. Stop your car about three-quarters of the way down the first hill, just short of the 25 mph sign that announced the curve back up the other side. From here, U appears to drop considerably to the valley floor before rising again.
Place the car in neutral and you will be rolling backward up the hill, slowly at first then faster and faster!!! |
Not available at this time. We would like to hear from you if you have any photographs of 'your' hill. If they are added to this site you will receive full photo credits.
WARNING. You are on a public road! Obey all traffic signs and rules. Where there are hills there are blind spots. Always bring someone to watch for other traffic. Never try the hill when the road is wet and slippery or during inclement winter weather conditions.
With caution, position your car at a "bottom" of the hill and put your car in neutral. Take your foot off the brake and you will experience the thrill of your car not only climbing the hill by itself, but gaining speed as it goes. Look out for other traffic.
After trying this natural phenomenon you may question it's causes. Well, we don't want to disappoint you, but whether it is called a Magnetic Hill, Gravity Hill, Mystery Hill or Electric Brae it is an optical illusion. It has nothing to do with magnetic fields, electricity or unknown forces working along mysterious lines.
Area Information
The city of Shullsburg was founded in 1827 and named after a trader named Jesse Shull, who was an agent for the famous John Jacob Astor. According to the story, Jesse, traveling alone, had stopped beside a spring to eat his lunch. He watched some badgers digging in the hillside and noticed they exposed some pieces of mineral ore.
Jesse soon decided that mining was more lucrative than buying furs. He not only became a miner, but a smelter too. In time he married and established his first home in what was later to become known as Shullsburg. He was probably the first white man to come through here and then settle down in this new and raw country.
Needless to say, our city and most of southwest Wisconsin owes its settlement and heritage to mining. In the early 1800's it was lead which drew immigrants to settle the area. By the late 1800's zinc called "Blackjack" and "Drybone" were the new kings of the mining industry. Zinc mining had an economic impact here for nearly 100 years.
Credits |
Map(s) |
Expedia.com. Maps and driving directions |
Hand drawn map |
Wisconsin State Journal, July 18, 1994 |
Directions |
Wisconsin State Journal, July 18, 1994 |
Area Information |
Six Mile Self-Guided Tour "An Invitation From Shullsberg Wisconsin" |
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Magnetic Hills, Gravity Hills, Mystery Hills and Magnetic Mountains
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