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Magnetic Hill
Peterborough, South Australia
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Take the road from Peterborough to Orroroo. Around 25 km from Peterborough you will come to a T-Junction - left to Jamestown and right to Orroroo. Turn left and travel approximately 1km, when you will cross over a railway crossing. Around 400 metres from that crossing and on the right-hand side of the road, there is a gravel road with a sign 'Magnetic Hill 8 km'. Just follow the signs.


Photograph protected by copyright. © C. Woodman, used with permission

WARNING. You are on a public road! Obey all traffic signs and rules. Where there are hills there are blind spots. Always bring someone to watch for other traffic. Never try the hill when the road is wet and slippery or during inclement winter weather conditions.
With caution, position your car at a "
bottom" of the hill and put your car in neutral. Take your foot off the brake and you will experience the thrill of your car not only climbing the hill by itself, but gaining speed as it goes. Look out for other traffic.

After trying this natural phenomenon you may question it's causes. Well, we don't want to disappoint you, but whether it is called a Magnetic Hill, Gravity Hill, Mystery Hill or Electric Brae it is an optical illusion. It has nothing to do with magnetic fields, electricity or unknown forces working along mysterious lines.

Area Information
(Compilation) Located 253 km north of Adelaide, Peterborough is a railway town. Its greatest claim to fame is that it is one of only two places in the world where three railway gauges met. This particular absurdity was the result of different state governments being unable (or unwilling) to agree on a standard railway gauge.
Peterborough was settled to service the agricultural and pastoral endeavours of the 1870s. Mr. William Heathersay was the first person to start a business venture, when in 1878 he built a blacksmith shop on land purchased from the government. Several other ventures by other people soon followed. The Railways an Industry which would provide the lifeblood of the town for the next 110 years officially arrived in the town on January 17, 1881 when the line from Jamestown opened.
The town grew rapidly through the 1880s. The public school was opened in 1883, the Town Hall erected in 1884 and the town was declared a municipality 1886. The change of the town's name occurred in 1917 when anti-German sentiment was so strong that the Nomenclature Act insisted that all German-sounding names be changed. It then became Peterborough and never changed back. The town would forge ahead in leaps and bounds with the railways playing a major part in the development. In 1927 the workforce of the Peterborough Division of the S.A. Railways was 1800 with two thirds of the workers living in the town. Peterborough played a major part in the movement of troops during the Second World War with troop trains moving North, South, East and West.
Today the town, with a population of 2239 (2003), is a small service centre for the surrounding farms. It does have a number of interesting museums including a railway museum called Steamtown. There are also train trips to Orroroo and Eurelia on most long weekends.

(Extract from Flinders News, Vol81 No24)
The Peterborough Tourism Association have estimated that over 500,000 tourists pass through Peterborough annually. Many of these tourists use the town as a "jumping-off point" prior to travelling to other destinations such as Arkaroola, Wilpena Pound and other beauty spots, using the opportunity to
grab a quick feed and re-fuel,giving Peterborough a cursory inspection before heading off on their travels.
More recently a greater number have opted to stay and take in the history and sights of Peterborough, a town that has seen great days, diminished in size, and currently staging a recovery. Most visitors to Peterborough are attracted by the lure of Steam Trains, and the town's working museum Steam
Town, which currently operates on the former Quorn Narrow Gauge line.

Directions/Instructions Peterborough Tourist Promotion Association Inc.
Picture(s) © C. Woodman, used with permission
Area Information Compilation and Flinders News
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Magnetic Hills, Gravity Hills, Mystery Hills and Magnetic Mountains

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