The Leh Magnetic Hill is located on the Leh-Kargil-Baltik national highway, about 30 km from Leh. The local administration has marked the spot by putting up a billboard near the hill.

Not available at this time. We would like to hear from you if you have any photographs of 'your' hill. If they are added to this site you will receive full photo credits.
WARNING. You are on a public road! Obey all traffic signs and rules. Where there are hills there are blind spots. Always bring someone to watch for other traffic. Never try the hill when the road is wet and slippery or during inclement winter weather conditions.
With caution, position your car at a "bottom" of the hill and put your car in neutral. Take your foot off the brake and you will experience the thrill of your car not only climbing the hill by itself, but gaining speed as it goes. Look out for other traffic.
After trying this natural phenomenon you may question it's causes. Well, we don't want to disappoint you, but whether it is called a Magnetic Hill, Gravity Hill, Mystery Hill or Electric Brae it is an optical illusion. It has nothing to do with magnetic fields, electricity or unknown forces working along mysterious lines.
Area Information
Ladakh is in the north of the Indian Himalayas, sandwiched between what is now Pakistan in the West and Chinese-ruled Tibet in the north. The town of Leh (1981 pop. 8,715) is the capital of the Leh district in Indian-controlled Kashmir. Leh with an area of 45,110 Sq. km. is the largest district in the country in terms of area. It lies at an altitude of 11,500 ft. (3,500 m) and is one of the world's highest towns inhabited year-round. It is at a distance of 434 km's from Srinagar and 474 km's from Manali. Much of the trade between India and the Tibet region of China passed through Leh until 1959, when fighting broke out between India and China. The uninhabited Aksai Chin region around Leh was contested by India and China in the 1960s. The palace of the former rulers of Tibet and a Lamaist monastery are in Leh.
Direct flights are also available for Leh from Delhi and other major Indian cities.
The region of Ladakh normally remains land locked between November to June every year as the Srinagar-Ladakh and Ladakh-Monali highways,which connect Ladakh with the other parts of the country, remain closed during this period because of snow and rigorous winter. The area is accessible all year round by air. Srinagar is the capital city of Jammu and Kashmir State.
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Magnetic Hills, Gravity Hills, Mystery Hills and Magnetic Mountains