Commencing at the intersection of Highway #41 and Highway #132, travel south on Highway #41approximately one mile, the Magnetic Hill Road is on your left and it is the first road or driveway you will come to on Highway #41. You will be ascending what is known locally as Tooey's Hill.

WARNING. You are on a public road! Obey all traffic signs and rules. Where there are hills there are blind spots. Always bring someone to watch for other traffic. Never try the hill when the road is wet and slippery or during inclement winter weather conditions.
With caution, position your car at a "bottom" of the hill and put your car in neutral. Take your foot off the brake and you will experience the thrill of your car not only climbing the hill by itself, but gaining speed as it goes. Look out for other traffic.
After trying this natural phenomenon you may question it's causes. Well, we don't want to disappoint you, but whether it is called a Magnetic Hill, Gravity Hill, Mystery Hill or Electric Brae it is an optical illusion. It has nothing to do with magnetic fields, electricity or unknown forces working along mysterious lines.
Hill History
There were attempts to popularize the "magnetic hill" near Dacre during the 1960's. The marketing of it was done by some local tourism promoters. The highway was changed in the 1970's. The new road was routed around the area and part of the old highway remained where the magnetic hill was located. Apparently this was done to preserve the "magnetic hill." The abandoned alignment is over a kilometer long, and parts of it are now becoming fairly overgrown. Although the markings were visible on the pavement up to approximately 2000, the area is now practically inaccessible. Caution: There is at least one culvert which may not be strong enough to support an auto.
Area Information
Dacre is about 25 km southwest of Renfrew on Highway 132.At one time Dacre was the largest town on the Opeongo and was large enough to be divided into Upper and Lower Dacre. Today, it is a small sleepy crossroads hamlet with a few original structures mixed in with modern homes. Of all the villages established along the Ottawa and Opeongo Settlement Road, Dacre remains the most viable.
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Directions/Instructions |
Legris Law office, Renfrew Ontario |
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Magnetic Hills, Gravity Hills, Mystery Hills and Magnetic Mountains