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Magnetic and Gravity Hills In The News * Please contact us if you know of any newspaper articles published about 'your' magnetic or gravity hill. * Please send us any hill pictures as an email attachment, uncropped, in jpg format. |
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MOVE OVER, Moncton. Here comes Burlington! Well maybe. |
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BURLINGTON'S MAGNETIC HILL may be just an optical illusion but the so-called magnet has drawn the interest of one major landowner in the area. Toronto businessman Ted Sherman who owns about 42 hectares (100 acres) on the west side of King Road, admitted yesterday that he'd never heard about his 'magnetic' neighbour. But though it caught him by surprise, MR. Sherman didn't hesitate to answer the next question: Would he consider developing his land as a tourist attraction? "If it makes sense, certainly. I've owned this property for several years, so anything I can do to generate something from it, I would. .................... Burlington Mayor Roly Bird, a native of New Brunswick, is cautious about seeing too much of a carnival atmosphere develop in Burlington. But a major tourist attraction may be preferable to what appears to be in store for the land. Halton Region - casting about for a place to dump its garbage for years - has zeroed in on that very site. .................... (Mr. Sherman) "I'm not in the dump business and not in the tourist business either, but it wouldn't take me long to get in the tourist business. Or the city of Burlington can buy my land and create their own tourist business" |
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A mysterious secret is hidden in the rolling green between Burlington and Waterdown. To those in the know, it's the hard-to-find magnetic hill, rumoured to be a magical happening defying the laws of gravity. Or it's little more than a clever optical illusion. Wherever beliefs lie, the stuff of local lore has now been thrust into the wide open for the whole world to decide. Burlington resident Mark Visser has launched an all-you-need-to-know Web site about the King Road hill at www.eureka4you.com/magnetichill. Visser, a home inspector, created the site in part because he wanted to help promote Burlington with his newly-honed skills of Web design. But it was more because of the 18 years he spent wandering the Halton region countryside, searching for the rumoured hill. Not that he's devoted his life to it. Working in the construction business, Visser said, meant that on occasion he'd be in the area around Bayview Park, north of Highway 403. He knew it was somewhere around there, though like plenty of other local residents, he wasn't exactly sure. "I never found it," he said. "Until the article popped up." In 1985, The Spectator ran a few stories about the hill and attempts to turn it into a tourist attraction akin to the well-known Magnetic Hill in New Brunswick. It's the same idea as the Burlington hill, just promoted much more. Back then, Visser remembered driving to the site with dozens of other cars, and the drivers trying it out for themselves. What he found was a sharp right turn just after the park and a tree-lined road with a pair of gently sloping hills. At the bottom of the second, there's a spot just big enough to turn around a car in a fenced-off entrance to a rough side road. Forgiving locals wait as Visser wheels around into position, under a yellow street sign warning of deer. And then, silence. Some might even call it eerie. Visser puts his grey Oldsmobile in neutral and cuts the engine -- he's done this time and again for friends and out-of-town visitors. "Every time we have company," he said. The car rolls slowly up the slope, catching speed and then tapering off at the top. Or, make that the bottom. It's all part of the optical illusion, Visser laughs. "I just played a little bit into the people who really believe," he said. In all, it's a few seconds of rolling on a busy public access that's used as a shortcut between Waterdown and Burlington. On his Web site, Visser cautions people to remember that the hill is on a narrow, winding road and to check rear-view mirrors when doing the cruise. Visser said he didn't create the site to make money, more to create awareness of the hill and to let other residents have an easier time finding it than he did. |
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Periodically we can count on someone calling our office for some information on Gravity Hill. While most people in Caldwell County are familiar with that landmark, its fame has now spread to the Internet.